Aug 29, 2018
Join us as we discuss the highs and lows of Nine Worlds 2018, and whether or not we actually survived the experience!
Jul 29, 2018
Bloody hell, there’s a fourth episode! We talk about where we’ve been for the last few months, what’s been broken and what’s been fixed, and our plans for the upcoming Nine Worlds Convention.
Jan 23, 2018
Episode 3, which was a TOUGH COOKIE to record! Everything that could have gone wrong, did go wrong. Recorded once, twice, three times. (This is harder than it looks!) We eventually discuss year-end, pyramids, handbags on helicopters, airlocks and the gutting of fish. We also forget to discuss the salt, dammit. And then...
Jan 9, 2018
This week we take a moment to review our first lot of lovely feedback, and then move on to how, when and why we fell down the rabbit hole to geekdom. We also delve into our convention experiences, and chat about recent cosplay. Also, "Expletive of the Week" is born!
Jan 2, 2018
Join us as we search for a plot!
We pilot our New Year's Eve hangovers through such topics as:
Why we are doing this in the first place, and what people *think* we should be doing;
Growing up as neuroatypical geeks;
ADHD, school bullying, and the quirks of quirky animals;
Christmas, New Year and the resulting hangovers.